Friday, September 21, 2012

NP#40 - Anacapa Island

Sept 9, 2012 - Anacapa Island

To celebrate my birthday, we visited our second Channel Island - Anacapa. It is the closest of the Channel Islands to the mainland...and has to be the least inspiring! Only the eastern third of this five mile long, quarter mile wide island is accessible to visitors. If you've ever wondered what a "desert island" looks like, come here! 

                                                 (Click on images for a larger view.)

Arch Rock

One of the more interesting aspects of Anacapa is the somewhat famous "Arch Rock" that greets visitors from the mainland. 

Docking Station

To disembark on to the island, our Tour Boat had to dock in a tiny cove that was somewhat protected from the swell of the ocean. Once off the boat, visitors then climb 156 steps up to the top where they are greeted to a grand view of...shall we say a not-so-grand view of a very dormant landscape .

Trail to Inspiration Point

Hiking Anacapa is easy. There are a grand total of 2 miles of hiking trails on the entire island that form a figure-8. Once leaving the landing cove, Terry and I chose the northern route out to Inspiration Point. As you can see...there wasn't much to see!

Cathedral Cove

More Cathedrals

Inspiration Point

Unfortunately, we arrived at Inspiration Point about 11 am. The light for photographing the scenery was abysmal! This would have been a much better shot at 7 am...however, to achieve that shot would have meant camping on this deserted island overnight! For you photo buffs...if you want the primo shot of Inspiration Point, come in the spring when the Coreopsis Forest is in full bloom and plan on spending the night on the rock. 

Trail to the Lighthouse

Coreopsis Forest

This is as good as it gets for vegetation in September! The Coreopsis are dormant and look sickly.  In spring these "tree sunflowers" display a vibrant yellow bloom. Today they look dead and decaying! There were a few colorful blooms on the island, but the majority of the plant life had retired for the season!


In 1853, the Winfield Scott ran aground in the dense fog on Anacapa's middle island. To help aid future voyagers along the coast of California, a lighthouse was constructed on the island in 1912. Pity the poor bugger who must live on this desolate piece of real estate to man the lighthouse!

Lighthouse Complex

Unlike the lighthouse at Cabrillo National Monument, this one is off limits to the few visitors who dare to hike about this island. If isolation is your thing...this island is for you!

Sunbathing Sea Lions

Our 40th!

Now that we've bagged #40 - we're making plans to visit all 58 of America's "Best Idea" - our National Parks. It has been an exciting and educational experience for us and these treks will live in our memories and dreams for years to come. We encourage you to get outside and take a hike! 

I can't tell you how refreshing it is to leave the cell phone, computer and most of humanity behind and get your socks dirty! Next up - Trekking Rim-to-Rim at the Grand Canyon. (See the previous Post)

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